Cosmic Cryptos - The Collection - N.F.T.s


My Second Collection Of N.F.T.s. Each Piece 1/100 Limited Editions.

Using my spray paint art as a foundation I used Photoshop to create various layers that incorporate iconic figures, symbols and crypto references.

For the record I am not against banks- just GREEDY bankers! 

To see the full video and to obtain the NFT- simply click on the highlighted link below each piece.

When you purchase on of my NFTs, I will give you a 50% off DISCOUNT code to get the painting in the UNLOCKABLE CONTENT BOX

Plus I'll throw in FREE SHIPPING too! 


If you want a full length (not time lapse) video of me creating the spray-painting and a personalised shoutout to you -


there will be a 50% off DISCOUNT code there too in the



We Learn From The Past 

 Here is the link to the Open Sea Listing where you will see the full HD Movie of me creating the spray painting and the final Photoshop piece


A Triumvirate Of Terror For The Greedy Bankers 

A Triumvirate Of Terror For The Greedy Bankers Here is the link to the Open Sea Listing where you will see the full HD Movie of me creating the spray painting and the final Photoshop piece

A Dead Greedy Banker On Uranus


Here is the link to the Open Sea Listing where you will see the full HD Movie of me creating the spray painting and the final Photoshop piece

When You Get It You Ain't Gambling. 

Here is the link to the Open Sea Listing where you will see the full HD Movie of me creating the spray painting and the final Photoshop piece

  S.O.S! Greedy Bankers In Distress. 

SOS Greedy Bankers In Distress
Here is the link to the Open Sea Listing where you will see the full HD Movie of me creating the spray painting and the final Photoshop piece

WaterFalls Of Wealth. 

Waterfalls Of Wealth

Here is the link to the Open Sea Listing where you will see the full HD Movie of me creating the spray painting and the final Photoshop piece


Red C.B.G & The Deadral Deserve On Uranus.

Red CBG & Deadral Deserve On Uranus

Here is the link to the Open Sea Listing where you will see the full HD Movie of me creating the spray painting and the final Photoshop piece

Satoshi & His Lucky Cat, Under Sakura In The Land Of The Rising Cryptos.

Satoshi & His Cat Under Sakura In The Land Of The Rising Cryptos

 Here is the link to the Open Sea Listing where you will see the full HD Movie of me creating the spray painting and the final Photoshop piece


  Cryptos Rising Over Money Making No Faking!

Cryptos Rising Over Money Making No Faking -Nifty Si Scapes

Here is the link to the Open Sea Listing where you will see the full HD Movie of me creating the spray painting and the final Photoshop piece

More to come soon, wishing well with all the good you do, Simon XXXX